How Often Should You Wash Your Hair?

There is a lot of disagreement over how often you should wash your hair.

Some people say that you need to shampoo every day, while others argue that it's not necessary and can even be damaging to your scalp and hair.

If this sounds confusing or daunting, don't worry!

We're going to break down how often you should wash your hair based on how oily it gets.

So, How Often Should You Wash Your Hair?

If you have dry hair, it's best to only shampoo every other day. If you wear your hair up or in a ponytail often, the oil from your scalp will not get on the strands of your hair and this is how they stay hydrated.

However, if you feel like there are days when your scalp feels icky, whether it's because of how often you're wearing your hair up or in a ponytail, you may need to wash every day.

If you have oily hair, this can lead to scalp problems and other possible issues such as acne. If that is the case for you, we recommend washing once a day.

If you're somewhere in between, you may only need to wash your hair every two or three days.

What are the Benefits of Washing Your Hair Less Frequently?

If you have dry hair, washing less often can help keep your scalp healthy and hydrated by not stripping away its natural oils as frequently.

It also means that you're using less shampoo to cleanse which is better for how much product builds up on your hair.

If you have oily hair, washing less often can help your scalp stay fresh and healthy by not stripping away natural oils as frequently.

This is how they are protected from the various issues that come with having an oily scalp such as acne or dandruff.

Also, shampoo products can contain a lot of harsh chemicals that strip away your natural oils on the scalp.

This can lead to dryness, itching, and frizziness which is how it can become damaging in the long term if you don't take care of how often you wash your hair.

It's also important to consider how much product builds up over time from washing your hair.

Natural shampoos will not have harsh chemicals and are usually made with ingredients that will keep your scalp healthy such as how to use apple cider vinegar for hair.

What are the Downsides to Washing Your Hair Less Frequently?

If you have dry hair, washing less often will not help moisturize your scalp and can even lead to some drying or flaking.

If you have oily hair, the downside is that if you don't wash enough then oil may get into the strands of your hair which can make it dull in appearance and feel heavy.

You also risk clogging your pores which will lead to acne or other scalp problems.

Some people find that they need to use dry shampoo or an apple cider vinegar rinse (ACV) which can be how it's possible to have healthy-looking hair without washing it every day or two.

If you see or smell scalp oiliness, this is how you can tell that your scalp needs to be washed more often.

You can experiment with how often you wash your hair while monitoring how it feels, but we recommend starting off washing every other day to see how it goes.

Is it Possible to Have Healthy-Looking and Clean Hair Without Washing it Every Day or Two?

Yes, it is! You can go for a day or two without washing your hair and still have great-looking locks. Another option would be to use dry shampoo on the days where you don't wash your hair in order to absorb some of that oiliness.

Another way to get rid of those pesky oils from the scalp without using water is to use an apple cider vinegar rinse (ACV).

This can be done by mixing one cup of water with two tablespoons ACVs, then applying it to the hair and scalp.

This will not only make your hair feel fresh and clean, but you'll also notice how much better it looks.

Finding how often you should wash your hair is how it's possible to do what works best for how oily or dry your scalp feels.

There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to how often you should wash your hair, so how often you wash it will depend on how your hair appears and feels when you do decide to go with a less frequent washing schedule.


The bottom line is that you should wash your hair as often as it needs to be washed.

If you're noticing a buildup of oil on the scalp, or if your hair has been feeling heavy and greasy more than usual, then yes, washing every day may be necessary for healthy-looking strands.

But what's most important is figuring out which routine works best for you and sticking with it so that locks stay beautiful all year long!

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