What Are The Best Vitamins For Hair Growth?

Do you want to know what vitamins help with hair growth?

We all want healthy, shiny hair!

Let's take a look at some of the best vitamins that can help with this process.

Do Vitamins Help With Hair Growth?

Vitamins are what we call organic compounds that help with the chemical reactions in our body.

They're necessary for healthy functions and will not be produced in the body, so they need to be consumed.

So, the answer is yes, but that doesn't mean you should start popping vitamin pills every day.

It's important to read what vitamins help with hair growth and what the best ways are for getting them through healthy diet choices as well.

Vitamins can be helpful in some cases of thinning hair or breakage due to health conditions like anemia, so it's important to work with a doctor if you're experiencing any of these issues.

It's important to get the right vitamins and what they are best for in order to get healthy, shiny hair.

Vitamin A

If what vitamins help with hair growth is what you're after, vitamin A should be at the top of your list!

This essential nutrient can promote healthy skin and locks by reducing inflammation in those areas. Vitamin C helps regulate how much vitamin A the body absorbs, so if what vitamins help with hair growth is what you're interested in, this should be a no-brainer.

A healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruits like carrots will give your locks plenty of what vitamins help with hair growth!

Great sources of vitamin A in nature include:

  • carrots
  • sweet potatoes
  • pumpkinseeds
  • apricots
  • cantaloupe
  • mangoes
  • spinach

Vitamin B-12

If what vitamins help with hair growth is what you're after, vitamin B-12 should be near the top of your list!

This macronutrient is an essential component in healthy hair growth and regulation.

Vitamin A aids what vitamins help with hair growth by reducing inflammation which can lead to breakage or thinning locks.

This good-for-you food also contains proteins that promote healthy hair growth, what vitamins help with hair growth as well!

Vitamin B-12 can be found in:

  • fish
  • eggs
  • dairy products

Vitamin D

The answer to what vitamins help with hair growth is vitamin D.

This essential nutrient provides healthy skin and locks by regulating how much of the body's calcium gets absorbed.

It also promotes what what vitamins help with hair growth by aiding in the production of keratin which is what healthy hair is made of.

A lack of what vitamins help with hair growth can lead to thinning or brittle locks, and it's important to get your RDA in order!

Great sources of vitamin D include:

  • fish
  • eggs
  • dairy products
  • mushrooms


If help with hair growth is what you're after, iron should be on the top of your list!

Not a vitamin but this essential nutrient helps what vitamins help with hair growth by reducing inflammation and regulating what the body absorbs.

It also helps hair growth by aiding in the production of keratin which is what we need to keep our locks looking smooth, shiny, and full!

It's important that you don't take an iron supplement without first consulting your doctor, what vitamins that help with hair growth are what you're after.

Great natural sources of iron include:

  • beans
  • lentils
  • spinach
  • dark leafy greens
  • red meat


The vitamins that are most commonly known for hair growth benefits include vitamin A, B-12 and D.

Vitamin A is great for improving the appearance of skin cells which can help with scalp health.

Vitamin B-12 helps to keep your body's nerve and blood cells healthy so they may be able to provide better nutrients needed by your follicles.

And finally, vitamin D has been shown to promote a stronger immune system as well as increased circulation in the body – both of these things can also improve hair growth!

Iron deficiencies have also been linked with slower or thinner hair regrowth but luckily there’s an easy fix when you take iron supplements on a regular basis.

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