Working from home can be a great way to make money, but it also has its downsides.
One of the most difficult parts is reducing stress levels without having access to an office and co-workers.
However, there are ways you can reduce your stress while working from home!
In this blog post, we will go over 6 tips for reducing stress when working from home.
1) Set a Schedule For Yourself
Working from home gives you the freedom to work whenever and wherever.
This is both a blessing and a curse since it can be difficult to find the motivation or focus when it's only you at your desk.
When we are working from home, it becomes easier for us to spend time on things that don't necessarily need our attention – like checking social media, watching Netflix, or finally getting around to that project we've been putting off.
Our tip number one for reducing stress of working from home is to set a schedule for yourself.
This can be as simple or complex as you want, but the important part is sticking to it!
When it's time for work, focus on work.
When it's time for leisure, focus on that instead!
Mixing them up will make it difficult for your brain to know what's important and what isn't.
2) Create a Work Space That Is Comfortable and Inviting
Working from home can be really awesome – but it becomes less so when you don't have an office filled with space for your workstation, beautiful views of the outdoors, and plenty of sunlight.
While it might be tempting to work from your bedroom or living room, you'll find that this leads to increased stress and lower productivity.
Your home is a place for relaxation!
Creating a comfortable space will help you start reducing the stress of working from home in no time.
You don't need an office suite – just make sure there is a desk, chair, and enough space for your computer.
If you can't find an empty room in the house that's big enough, you might want to consider renting office space nearby.
This will also give you some much-needed separation from home life when things get tough or stressful at work!
Create this comfortable area as soon as you can, and take steps to make it inviting!
3) Take Breaks When You Need Them
It's important that we recharge our minds when working from home.
If you are feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, then taking a break will help prevent the stress of working from home from getting worse.
One day might not seem like such an issue – but it can add up over time.
A quick break for ten minutes is all you need!
You might find that this helps your work a lot more than if you had pushed through the mental fog and exhaustion to continue working.
There are some easy things you can do during these breaks, such as going outside, taking a walk or getting some coffee.
We touched on it above, but reducing stress of working from home is really important for your health and well-being!
4) Get Out of the House Every Day – Even If It's Just to Take a Walk or Go to The Grocery Store
This one might seem like common sense…
but you'd be surprised how many people don't get out of the house every day.
If you're feeling overwhelmed and stressed from working at home, then take a walk or go to the grocery store – even if it's just for ten minutes!
This will clear your head and make things seem more manageable again.
If you have pets, this is also a great opportunity to take them for a walk and let them get some exercise, which will reduce the stress of working from home.
Exercise is an important part of reducing the stress of working from home – so make sure you do it! It doesn't have to be anything too strenuous or intense; it could just be taking your dog out on walks, going for a jog, or doing some stretches.
5) Turn Off All Devices at Least an Hour Before Bedtime
It's tempting to work on your laptop in bed before you go to sleep – but this will only cause more stress! If it doesn't have anything to do with what you're working on at the time, then it's just procrastination.
It can be difficult to know what devices count and which don't – so our advice is to turn them all off at least an hour before bedtime!
That way you'll have plenty of time for winding down in the evening, reducing the stress of working from home when it comes time for sleep.
Stop answering work-related emails, and instead focus on relaxing before bed.
You'll feel refreshed in the morning!
6) Find Ways to Socialize with Others Who Are Working From Home
It can be really hard to feel connected when you are working from home.
You may not have the time or energy to go out and meet people, but there is a way for reducing stress of working from home that doesn't involve leaving your house!
If you don't know where to start, then try some meetups in your area that might be happening soon – or even create one yourself!
You'll have plenty of time (and motivation) for reducing the stress of working from home when you spend time with others who are going through the same thing.
Working from home may have its benefits, but it also presents a new set of challenges.
It can be tough to stay focused on your work when you don’t feel like you’re getting out enough or seeing other people that are working from home too.
Thankfully there are many things we can do in order to reduce the stress and increase productivity with our remote jobs.
A few ways we recommend for reducing stress include setting boundaries with yourself by creating a schedule (even if not strictly adhering to it), having an inviting workspace where you spend most of your time, taking breaks as needed, socializing online through forums or meetups in your area, and turning off all devices at least one hour before bedtime.